In 1983, the two journals, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A and B were launched when the original Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology was split.JVSTA is devoted to publishing reports of original research, letters, and review articles on interfaces and surfaces of materials, thin films, and plasmas. JVSTA publishes reports that advance the fundamental understanding of interfaces and surfaces at a fundamental level and that use this understanding to advance the state of the art in various technological applications. The scope includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:Applied and fundamental surface scienceAtomic layer depositionElectronic and photonic materials and their processingMagnetic thin films and interfacesMaterials and thin films for energy conversion and storagePhotovoltaics, including inorganic and organic thin-film solar cellsPlasma science and technology, including plasma-surface interactions, plasma diagnostics plasma deposition and etching, and applications of plasmas to micro- and nanoelectronicsSurface engineeringThin film deposition, etching, properties, and characterizationTransmission electron microscopy, including in situ methodsTribologyVacuum science and technology
International Journal Of Non-linear Mechanics
Journal Of Offshore Mechanics And Arctic Engineering-transactions Of The Asme
Isi Bilimi Ve Teknigi Dergisi-journal Of Thermal Science And Technology
Iranian Journal Of Science And Technology-transactions Of Civil Engineering
International Journal Of Precision Engineering And Manufacturing-green Technolog
Proceedings Of The Institution Of Civil Engineers-transport
Nanoscale And Microscale Thermophysical Engineering
Journal Of Computational And Theoretical Transport