The journal Mathematische Annalen was founded in 1868 by Alfred Clebsch and Carl Neumann. It was continued by Felix Klein, David Hilbert, Otto Blumenthal, Erich Hecke, Heinrich Behnke, Hans Grauert, Heinz Bauer, Herbert Amann, Jean-Pierre Bourguigon, Wolfgang Lück and Nigel Hitchin.Since 1868 the name Mathematische Annalen stands for a long tradition and high quality in the publication of mathematical research articles. Mathematische Annalen is designed not as a specialized journal but covers a wide spectrum of modern mathematics.
《数学年鉴》杂志由阿尔弗雷德·克莱布施和卡尔·诺伊曼于1868年创办。接着是菲利克斯·克莱因、大卫·希尔伯特、奥托·布鲁门撒尔、埃里希·赫克、海因里希·本克、汉斯·格劳特、海因茨·鲍尔、赫伯特·阿曼、让-皮埃尔·布尔吉冈、沃尔夫冈·拉克和奈杰尔·希钦。从1868年起,Mathematische Annalen这个名字就代表着数学研究论文发表的悠久传统和高质量。《数学年鉴》不是一本专业期刊,而是涵盖了现代数学的广泛领域。
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