Published by Grupo Aran. ISSN: 1130-0108.Publication of the Arán Ediciones, S.L. Mission: To increase and update knowledge in the field of Digestive System, particularly Digestive Surgery, Digestive Endoscopy and Internal Medicine. Organo Oficial de la Sociedad Espa?ola de Patología Digestiva.The Spanish Journal of Gastroenterology (Revista Espa?ola de Enfermedades Digestivas), the official Journal of the Spanish Society of Gastroenterology (Sociedad Espa?ola de Patología Digestiva) (SEPD), Spanish Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (Sociedad Espa?ola de Endoscopia Digestiva) (SEED) and Spanish Association of Digestive Ultrasonography (Asociación Espa?ola de Ecografía Digestiva) (AEED), publishes original papers, editorials, viewpoints, rapid communications, case reports, letters to the Editor, images in digestive diseases, and other special articles on all aspects referring to the digestive diseases.Manuscripts must be written following recommendations issued by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (N Engl J Med 1997; 336: 309-15), and according to the following guidelines: the journal has two versions: a) print and b) online. The print version is available in English or Spanish. The online version includes articles in English and Spanish. This version publishes Letters to the editor in English or Spanish. Once a manuscript has been accepted, its author(s) should submit an English version within a month''s term after acceptance date. Authors may be asked to contact professionals regarding the correction of the English content of manuscripts either before or after acceptance. This expense will be the responsibility of the Authors. Should the translated paper fail to be received at the Journal''s editorial office within this timeframe, paper acceptance will be cancelled and the paper will not be published.
Grupo Aran出版。ISSN: 1130 - 0108。Aran Ediciones的出版,S.L.使命:增加和更新消化系统领域的知识,特别是消化外科,消化内镜和内科。消化社会学组织。西班牙胃肠病学杂志》上(航空杂志上诺拉德心血管助消化药),西班牙社会的官方杂志的胃肠病学(皇家社会诺拉德Patologia助消化药)(SEPD),西班牙社会的胃肠内镜(皇家社会诺拉德Endoscopia助消化药)(种子)和西班牙消化超声协会(Asociacion诺拉德Ecografia助消化药)(ae),发表原创论文,社论,观点,快速通信,病例报告,给编辑的信件,消化疾病图片,以及其他有关消化疾病各方面的专题文章。稿件必须按照国际医学期刊编辑委员会(nengl J Med 1997;336: 309-15),根据以下指南:期刊有两个版本:a)印刷版和b)网络版。印刷版有英文或西班牙文两种。在线版包括英语和西班牙语的文章。这个版本用英文或西班牙文向编辑发表信件。稿件一经录用,应在录用之日起一个月内提交英文版。在稿件接受前或接受后,如需修改稿件的英文内容,请联系专业人员。这笔费用将由作者承担。在此期限内,如未收到译稿,将被取消录用,不予发表。