Computer Physics Communications publishes research papers and application software in the broad field of computational physics; current areas of particular interest are reflected by the research interests and expertise of the CPC Editorial Board. The focus is on contemporary computational methods and techniques and their implementation, the effectiveness of which will normally be demonstrated by the author(s) in the context of a substantive problem in physics.Papers describing new software in physics, updates to software previously published by CPC, and established software of importance to the community are encouraged. The submitted software must adhere to one of the Original Software Publications (OSP) pre-approved licenses and will be freely available for download from the CPC Program Library stored on the Mendeley Data repository.Articles cover, but are not limited to, the following themes across computational physics and cognate disciplines:computational models and programs;computational models and programs associated with the design, control and analysis of experiments;mathematical and numerical methods and algorithms;algebraic computation;the impact of advanced computer architecture and special purpose computers on computing in the physical sciences; andsoftware topics related to, and of importance in, the physical sciencesFeature Articles are solicited by invitation and are aimed at highlighting topical subjects and providing reviews of important bodies of research work. Special and thematic issues are published on an occasional basis and enquiries should be directed to a member of the CPC Editorial Board.